
Hello Ladies,Welcome to the Hawaii Missionary Mom's blog. This blog is for you to share your stories, comments, ideas, concerns, pictures, or anything else you would like. Please share this with other Hawaiian MM that you know. I am excited to hear from all of you and get to know you and your missionaries better. If you are new to blogging then ask one of the young women in your ward for help. I am sure they would know how to help. I can also help if you need me to. Welcome and happy blogging.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

1 comment:

  1. This is for the administrator of this blog. My son is about to leave for the MTC. I'd like to know how to be able to post on here and what your rules are for doing so. My blog is http://justanotherdayinparadisesewing.blogspot.com/ and you're welcome to leave a comment there for me. I found you through the missionary moms site but have dropped out of the group as I was never receiving anything from Hawaii but only from Southern California. I hope this blog takes off and does well for you. I'd rather blog than email any day bz we can put in pictures, etc.! Cindy
