
Hello Ladies,Welcome to the Hawaii Missionary Mom's blog. This blog is for you to share your stories, comments, ideas, concerns, pictures, or anything else you would like. Please share this with other Hawaiian MM that you know. I am excited to hear from all of you and get to know you and your missionaries better. If you are new to blogging then ask one of the young women in your ward for help. I am sure they would know how to help. I can also help if you need me to. Welcome and happy blogging.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Some fun ideas that we have done during the mission.

Some of these ideas I have stolen from other moms but they have worked really well.

On our son's birthday I bought 100 postcards. I prestamped and prelabeled them so they were easy for people to send to him. All they had to do was write their message and then drop them in the mail. He loved it. The extra postcards I just kept on my desk and would drop him a simple note occasionally. This is one I will do with my next son.

When our son was down to the six month mark we bought candy bars that had the number in the name. For example when he has six months left we sent him "sixlets." When he had 5 months left we sent him "take 5" candy bars. It think you get the idea. At this point in their mission they are looking to get rid of things. So he really doesn't want to accumulate anything new. This has been simple and fun.

We went our son a small frying pan early in his mission. He has told us countless times how much he has used it. It fits nicely in his suitcase so when he gets tranferred. But you would be amazed what they can cook in a frying pan.

If you are worried about something call the mission office. I have had several occasions where I was worried about a package or something else and the mission office couples were so helpful and kind. They want those of us at home to know all is well in the mission.

Don't be surprised if you son doesn't tell you everything about their experience. There are some things we just don't need to know until they get home. I am sure with it being so tropical there are lots of bugs, rodents, and other insects that I just don't need to know about. I will gladly hear those stories when he gets home.

Well enough for today. If there are any of you who want to continue with the blog you can contact me at hatch.batch@yahoo.com . Don't forget to look at the pictures below. Mahalo and Much Aloha.

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